
Sandesh Rana | Python

I'm a developer from Himalayas, with a passion for crafting efficient and elegant code, with creativity and precision.


Dec 2016 » Django Vue.js
  • The Philatelic and Postal management Office is a central authority of the Government of Nepal responsible for the publication, storage, supply, and philatelic management of postal services in Nepal.
  • The aim of this project is to build a web-based platform using Python, Django, Django rest framework, and Vue.js to improve the efficiency and management of the office’s operations.
  • The platform will be built using a split architecture, with the backend developed using Python, Django, and Django rest framework.
  • The frontend of the platform will be built using Vue.js, a modern JavaScript framework.
  • The platform will use RESTful APIs to facilitate communication between the frontend and backend.

The platform will enable the Philatelic and Postal management Office to manage its operations in a more streamlined and efficient manner. The platform will be designed to store, manage, and track postal services and philatelic collections. Users of the platform will be able to access and search the collections.